
Toured the Texas State Capitol building.  Flanking the entrance are statues of Sam Houston (who was notably the president of the Republic of Texas and, as governor of Tennessee and then Texas, also the only person to ever be governor two different states)……and Stephen Austin.  (One could argue that the stone is cold.)The have portraits of all of the Governors of Texas.  But these last two.  These motherfuckers.Nice to see Wendy Davis on a photoboard of legislators, though.The chamber for the state’s House of Representatives.Texas’ continuing obsession–nay, fetishization–of The Alamo is on full display.The chamber for the state’s Senate (with what was once actual working skylights.)The marble floor under the rotunda is inlaid with representations of the five flags that have flown over Texas:  Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States of America, and the United States of America.What was I just saying about fetishization?The office space of the capitol building was doubled in the 1990s with an underground annex built to it’s north.  Here’s a shot looking back up at the capitol dome from down inside that annex.

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