
Although Pennsylvania had (mostly) well-defined borders when it entered the Union in 1787 as the 2nd state, it’s western edge was still wild country.  Over the years, the original counties of Mercer and Beaver had Lawrence county carved out from between the two when it grew too populous.The modern Neshannock Presbyterian Church sits in New Wilmington in Mercer county.  But it’s old church graveyard lies up the road.My great-great-great-great-grandfather John Young is buried here.  He fought as a private in the American Revolution.John’s older brother William was a captain in the Revolution.The brothers are buried together, alongside their wives.While living in central Pennsylvania, the Young brothers had met the Elder sisters from a nearby town.  William married Mary……and John married Elizabeth (my great-great-great-great-grandmother) but her headstone seems to have been lost over time.  Their son David Young was the one who moved his family to Iowa.

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