
I attended the three hour March for Our Lives event in D.C.The Mall was already booked, so they closed Pennsylvania Ave.  It was simultaneously the most inspiring and most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen.  I’ve never seen so many young people this politically engaged.  But kids walking around with targets drawn on their shirts carrying signs that read “Am I Next?” was painfully sad.At one point, two short women asked me how far back down Pennsylvania Ave. the crowd stretched.  “Farther than I can see.”This was the sign I had carefully conceived and clumsily written the night before.  Getting out of my car, I overheard an old woman with a thick Southern accent say, “Oh, that’s a good one” and then read my sign to her friends.Dude!  I know, right?I found this inscription on the pedestal of a statue in front of the National Archive both fitting & poetic.

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