This is the Old Appomattox Court House at Appomattox Court House. (Yes, Appomattox Court House is the full name of the village, named after, well, the courthouse.) The entire town has been reconstructed as it looked when the Civil War ended with the courthouse now serving as the National Park’s visitors center.
Looking west down the street through the middle of town, toward the train line and Appomattox Station.This is a reconstruction of the McLean House where the surrender was signed.
A painting of the historic moment.
A reconstruction of the room. Lee got the fancier desk as he was the first to arrive.
A small doll “observed” the signing while resting on a chair in the room. Officers began to joke about it being the “silent witness” to an historic moment.
Looking eastward down the road where the Confederate troops all surrendered their arms, stacking in their bayonets as tripods.
And who oversaw the solemn surrender of arms? My man Joshua Chamberlain! The museum even has his boots.