Remember our discussion about Angela Lansbury? Well, here’s St. Sofia’s Cathedral in Harbin. Clearly heavily indebted to Russian architecture.
Not sure how to say “tuppence” in Russian…
Tiny, but majestic. (Feel free to use your favorite dick joke here.)
Apologies for the Michael Mann color balance on the fluorescent lights illuminating the painting of the last supper.
Speaking of Russians and color temperature, back in film school at USC there was this T.A. we had in one of our early Production classes named Dimitri who spoke with an almost cartoonish Russian accent. He once exhorted us, “If you shoot sunlight color-balanced film without an 85C filter, everything you shoot will look like a Tony Scott love scene.”Poet and axiomatic. He was so right.
Anyway, back to Eastern Orthodox aesthetics…
Surfacers at DreamWorks labor for hours to create textures with as much verisimilitude as these old walls.