
Rabbie Burns was right, of course.  “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”  And a-gley my scheme did gang.

I had planned to spend a single night in Glenorchy and then burn the next day driving the five hours down & around the lake and out to Milford Sound on the coast.  But the road to Milford Sound was snowed in.  So, I upgraded from my chilly digs and hunkered down for two more nights at a staggeringly beautiful place called the Glenorchy Lake House.
It was as warm & cozy as the Lodge Glenorchy had been cold & ascetic.  I was so looking forward to two nights in a soft, warm bed.
One shelf of the bookcase in the living room was filled with DVDs.  What’s that I see?  The Lord of the Rings trilogy?  But surely not the Extended Editions.  Yes, the Extended Editions.  I sipped New Zealand Pinot Noir and watched Middle-Earth with panoramic views of the real Middle-Earth out the windows all around me.
Achievement unlocked.

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