
I visited The Hershey Story at the corner of, ahem, Chocolate Ave. and Cocoa Ave.  (Man, this whole town is on-brand.)  After the museum, I had this awesome S’mores Sundae at the cafe.  Hershey’s chocolate ice cream, marshmallow sauce, Graham cracker dust, whipped cream, and then Hershey’s syrup and chunks of Hershey bar.I know the whole museum is engineered to make Milton Hershey look good, granted, but I found myself getting sucked into his story.I spent an embarrassing amount of time at this factory simulation getting all my components in the right order and position to successful create Hershey’s Kisses.For someone living in an era of robber barons, Hershey seems surprisingly progressive.I also appreciated that Hershey supported former employee H.B. Reese when he started up his own candy company.  Only on my way out as I visited the museum store did I feel a growing sense of dread.  Reese’s was acquired by Hershey?  Novelty Hershey’s bars the size of Rosebud?  Hershey’s candles?And these abominations are part of the Hershey’s brand?  Satan’s Red Vines!Warily, I bought some chocolate for the road.  As she handed me my receipt, the salesgirl said, “Have a sweet day!”

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