
This is the impressive entrance to the Qinghai Regional Museum (with typical Chinese scale.)
Weirdly, the main exhibit hall just brags about commerce.  The dairy industry…  The “this one robot” industry…
And the “alcohol not famous enough for you to have heard of” industry. 
The one phrase I can pick out of this chart is “21st Century Silk Road”.
The introductory description of different sections of museum exhibits (often in mangled English translation) are usually dull, but I found this one about the “Chinese Dream” insightful.  I had never heard of the Two Centenary Goals.

Then the museum seemed to kick into a higher gear.  (Or at least a more expensive gear.)

People seemed to enjoy this semi-circular film projected over a map of the Qinghai region.

Although this (currently non-functional) exhibit is brought to you by the good people at Microsoft.

Here we have Natural History Museum 101.  Prehistoric man using tools.
There were archeological artifacts from all over the region.

I found this jade horse carving quietly upsetting.
As Jaqen H’ghar might say…  

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