
I spent quite a bit of time at the Gettysburg Visitor’s Center.  There was a widescreen film with an overview of the battle (with voice over by Morgan Freeman, naturally) and then a very strange 360 degree panoramic painting brought to life with lighting & sound effects.  It was odd.The two phrases that come up over and over and over again from video vignettes throughout the museum are “road network” and “high ground”.Gettysburg is the convergence point of roads from every direction.  By controlling the “road network” on the first day, the Union was able to hold on long enough to bring in reinforcements along those roads.  After the first day, the Union retreated to the “high ground” along Cemetery Ridge.The very instruments of Civil War medicine verge on the horrific, let alone the injuries.I had not heard the story of Amos Humiston before.Joshua Chamberlain, a professor from Maine, is my favorite personality in the Civil War.I comforted Lincoln as best I could.

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