
The crown’s representative in the colony, the Governor, lived in a lavish mansion skirtted by rivers and flower gardens.Three saucy women in the cooking house talked about all the ingredients & recipes of the era.I was particularly interested in the various flavors of “ketchup”.As good a map as they had for the time.When most people had wood or dirt floors, the Governor’s mansion was tiled with marble.The entrance hall was decorated, floor to ceiling, with weapons.  To, you know, establish a tone.More weapons in the stairwell.The Governor’s newborn “decorated” the Lady’s sitting room, to be shown off.  When the baby got fussy, she would be spirited off to another room by a nanny.Dining room.Walking between royal portraits of William & Mary into the dance hall.The garden reinforced the sense that this was a mini-Versailles carved out of the wilderness.

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