My brother, sister in law, and niece went to the Bricks L.A. convention in Pasadena. I didn’t know what to expect, but it was fanastic!
There was a play area for kids, with everything from regular blocks all the way up to cinder block-sized.Here’s the private lounge for “Very Important Builders”!
There were many booths selling old or rare Lego sets, but there were also a lot focusing on customization.
There were shirts and hats, too.
And magazines.
There were massive displays with everything from the urban…
…to bucolic…
…to extra-terrestrial.
From seasonal…
…to architectural.
There’s a huge amount of overlap between Lego obsession and all other geek & nerd obsessions. Sci-fi, samurai, comic books, science, history, architecture. It was all represented.
Note the alien teaching hieroglyphics!Tucked away behind the pyramid, was this homage to Tatooine, complete with water vaporator.
I almost didn’t notice that this was Mystery Science Theater 3000 homage.A suit of samurai armor & weapons made entirely of Lego.
The Bride from Kill Bill.
The Baseline Test from Blade Runner 2049.
Quint from Jaws.
The elevator scene from The Shining.
Death Star detention level and trash compactor.
Skiff and Sarlac pit (with a bonus “motion blur” of Luke’s backflip!)
A beautiful Japanese garden.
Seeing this makes me want to try stacking a brown bear, panda bear, and polar bear in real life and I think I know how to do it. The trick is to get each bear to want to do it. That’s key.
L.A. City Hall.
Avenger’s Tower…
…overlooking a Marvel Manhattan.
I loved this sideways-built portrait of the Dark Knight overlooking Gotham.
Various JPL space probes.
The San Francisco skyline.
The Vegas skyline.
A Transform in three stages.
The Steampunk ethos & aesthetic is a natural fit with Lego.
Medieval castle encircled by a train.
And then some of the displays were just…weird.
This display is of the Rose Parade. Appropriate since the real Rose Parade happened just a block north of the Pasadena Convention Center just a few days before.
The U.S. Supreme Court.
A pre-patina Statue of Liberty.
But one of my very favorite displays was this epic Battle of Hoth.
The attention to detail was just staggering.
But my absolute favorite display was this cutaway of a movie theater with a simulated trench run playing on the “screen”!
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