
Right across People’s Square from the Hall of the People is the Three Gorges Museum.  I was pretty Gorged out, so I hurried through the Gorges and Dam exhibits.
Yet more unfortunate taxidermy made it look like the animals had seen some shit.There was a lovely collection of calligraphy and scroll paintings.
Plus the obligatory celebration of ethnic minorities like in Tibet and Qinghai and Xinjiang and everywhere.
By far the darkest exhibit was the one on the “Anti-Japanese War” (which is what China tends to call World War II.)  There was also an interesting exhibit on paleolithic cultures in China leading to the Ba state (from which some of the Tujia trace their origin.)
Of the modern history exhibits, I thought these rifles had an interesting filigreed design.
I’m sure these guys were important to the Revolution, but the guy in the back straight up looks like an anime villain.  

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