
These were the books that were by my father’s reading chair when he passed away. These were the books he was in the middle of.

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When I was very, very little, my family loved to go to some long lost Mexican restaurant that had a jukebox.  My favorite song on that jukebox was Natalie Cole’s “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)”.  My father bought a 45 of the song so I could listen to it at home.  The Richard Scarry sticker on the label is to mark it clearly as a “David IV record.”

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My father vacillated between being ruthlessly, obsessively organized and lazy.  We found carefully labelled boxes containing tax returns, every single utility bill, every single credit card receipt, and two inch stacks of to-do lists for each of the last ten years plus tax returns going all the way back to 1951.  But we also found a box simply labelled “stuff.”

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My grandfather owned a printing company on Highland in Hollywood.  Because of this, the Young family knows odd pits of old school printing arcana.  “Padding compound” is a liquid which dries into a rubbery adhesive which is used at the top of tearaway scratchpads.

As children, my grandfather would go to the bank and get fresh one dollar bills.  Then he’d put a stack of bills on a dollar-sized piece of cardboard and paint padding compound at the top to make tearaway scratchpads of actual money.  He used them for stocking stuffers and bonus birthday gifts.  My cousins and I all loved them.

In sorting through my father’s effects, Elizabeth and I found a huge tub of padding compound.  My father had tearing up scratch paper into business card-size pieces and then making tiny scratchpads out of them to use for his to-do lists and such.

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Lego III

My brother, sister in law, and niece went to the Bricks L.A. convention in Pasadena.  I didn’t know what to expect, but it was fanastic!

There was a play area for kids, with everything from regular blocks all the way up to cinder block-sized.Here’s the private lounge for “Very Important Builders”!There were many booths selling old or rare Lego sets, but there were also a lot focusing on customization.There were shirts and hats, too.And magazines.There were massive displays with everything from the urban……to bucolic……to extra-terrestrial.From seasonal……to architectural.There’s a huge amount of overlap between Lego obsession and all other geek & nerd obsessions.  Sci-fi, samurai, comic books, science, history, architecture.  It was all represented.

Note the alien teaching hieroglyphics!Tucked away behind the pyramid, was this homage to Tatooine, complete with water vaporator.

I almost didn’t notice that this was Mystery Science Theater 3000 homage.A suit of samurai armor & weapons made entirely of Lego.The Bride from Kill Bill.The Baseline Test from Blade Runner 2049.Quint from Jaws.The elevator scene from The Shining.Death Star detention level and trash compactor.Skiff and Sarlac pit (with a bonus “motion blur” of Luke’s backflip!)A beautiful Japanese garden.Seeing this makes me want to try stacking a brown bear, panda bear, and polar bear in real life and I think I know how to do it.  The trick is to get each bear to want to do it.  That’s key.L.A. City Hall.Avenger’s Tower……overlooking a Marvel Manhattan.I loved this sideways-built portrait of the Dark Knight overlooking Gotham.Various JPL space probes.The San Francisco skyline.The Vegas skyline.A Transform in three stages.The Steampunk ethos & aesthetic is a natural fit with Lego.Medieval castle encircled by a train.And then some of the displays were just…weird.This display is of the Rose Parade.  Appropriate since the real Rose Parade happened just a block north of the Pasadena Convention Center just a few days before.The U.S. Supreme Court.A pre-patina Statue of Liberty.But one of my very favorite displays was this epic Battle of Hoth.The attention to detail was just staggering.But my absolute favorite display was this cutaway of a movie theater with a simulated trench run playing on the “screen”!
Click to embiggen

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The name “David” means “beloved” in Hebrew.

David Lawrence Young Sr. begat David Lawrence Young Jr.
David Lawrence Young Jr. begat David Lawrence Young III.
David Lawrence Young III begat David Lawrence Young IV.

My father, David Lawrence Young III, passed away in his room at home on the evening of January 2, 2018.  He was 82.

It’s been over a hundred and ten years since there was only one David Lawrence Young in the world.  Ever since my grandfather was born, there have always been at least two and sometimes three of us alive at any given time.  My feelings toward my father have always been complicated, but it seems strange that this–being left with the name–is what seems to weigh on me the most.  Yet, I count myself lucky that his death occurred when I was already in the throes of a year-long existential crisis.  I’ve already been wrestling with matters of meaninglessness and purpose.  Of life and death.  Of change.

I am David Lawrence Young IV.  The last of my name.

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For as long as I’ve been able to drive, and except for the years living in China, I have always driven up into Angeles Crest National Forest to Mt. Lowe  at some point during the week between Christmas and New Year.  I sit and look out at the pine trees and think about the upcoming year.  I consider my plans and resolutions.  My annual tradition.

Sometimes there is snow, but I fear that our climate is changing so fast that there will never be snow again on these winter visits.

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Solstice II

For winter solstice, I treated myself to a pseudo-pagan feast!  A year ago on this day, I was waiting to fly through the longest night of the year.

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It’s been ninety days since I last had alcohol.  I plan to break my alcohol fast on my trip up to San Francisco to see The Last Jedi with friends.

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Love & Narrative

All that being said, there are only two things in the universe which—despite evidence to the contrary—I have chosen to believe in:  love & narrative.  These two ideas are so important to me that I’ve even broken with my strict naming convention for blog post titles.

Love & narrative are the only two concepts with which I feel comfortable enough to suspend my disbelief and rely on to organize the chaos I perceive around me.  Love & narrative can be used to make sense of a world which otherwise makes no sense to me, lenses to focus and sharpen what I see.  They can both explain what has come before and motivate action in the future.  In fact, I just realized how love is at the heart of Michelle McNamara’s mantra “It’s chaos.  Be kind.”

Love & narrative mean everything to me.

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My dear friend Debbie told me that she had gotten into an argument about the differences between “belief” and “faith” and “perspective.”

Perspective has two senses.  In the sense of “Well, from my perspective…” then, yeah, it’s closely related to a belief because it’s an admission of subjectivity.  But there is an objective sense of the word, as in “From my perspective, I can’t see inside my neighbor’s apartment from inside mine and from her perspective, she can’t see inside my apartment from hers.”  So, there’s subjective perspective (in the realm of ideas) and objective perspective (in the realm of physics.)

I think belief and faith are clearly related because faith is what fills any gaps between evidence which allows a belief to be believed.  But that’s what makes me think that belief is a choice:  you’re choosing to augment facts with faith.  It’s that element of choice which makes it something quite different from an objective perspective.

Are my senses reliable enough to have a truly objective perspective?  Perhaps not, but I’ll assume that they are until I have evidence to the contrary.  Animals wouldn’t survive long if their senses weren’t at some gross level objectively accurate most of the time.

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I was digging through some old MediaWiki data and ran across these photos from when I first moved into & decorated my old apartment on Arroyo Pkwy and Del Mar in Pasadena.  

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I’m allergic to taking selfies, but I felt like a needed to document the result of my presbyopia diagnosis.  It literally means “old man eyes.”

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On this Veterans Day weekend, I find myself reading ThucydidesHistory of the Peloponnesian War and just came to the funeral oration that Pericles gave for the annual commemoration of the Athenian war dead.  I was particularly moved and saddened by this portion on Athens, on what the fallen soldiers had died for, because it reminded me of America and how far we’ve fallen short of our country’s ideals:

“Our form of government does not enter into rivalry with the institutions of others.  Our government does not copy our neighbors’, but is an example to them.  It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few.  But while there exists equal justice to all and alike in their private disputes, the claim of excellence is also recognized; and when a citizen is in any way distinguished, he is preferred to the public service, not as a matter of privilege, but as the reward of merit.  Neither is poverty an obstacle, but a man may benefit his country whatever the obscurity of his condition.  There is no exclusiveness in our public life, and in our private business we are not suspicious of one another, nor angry with our neighbor if he does what he likes; we do not put on sour looks at him which, though harmless, are not pleasant.  While we are thus unconstrained in our private business, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for the authorities and for the laws, having a particular regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment.”

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Over the years, I’ve joked with close friends like Martin and Ben about my life as if it were an indie movie.  A handful of things happened over the last couple of days which, once again, felt like a series of small melancholic character moments:

  • I was diagnosed with presbyopia and learned I need reading glasses
  • A possible programming job opportunity came up, but in Carpinteria where Dan & Snow had planned to start their youth center
  • It was announced that Rian Johnson has signed a deal to make his own Star Wars trilogy
  • The palm fronds which have hung over my balcony since I moved in–and which made my apartment feel like a treehouse–were unceremoniously chainsawed back

But all of that is merely craving & attachment.

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