One of the highlights of Singapore for me was the Night Safari at the Singapore Zoo. There is both a tram ride and several winding walking paths to explore.
Be forewarned: what follows is some of the worst wildlife photography you have ever seen. The fault lies entirely with me and not with the animals. The animals were all photogenic & cooperative, except for the giraffe who was a stupid jerk.
This was a picture of a deer I took from the moving tram.
I think this was a tapir. Again, from a moving tram.
Partially-occluded rhinoceros. Yet again from a moving tram.
Look, the tram was fun but the photography wasn’t working. Partly because the affable Malaysian tourist who sat next to me looked and sounded exactly like Wicket the Ewok. Buck teeth, round belly, squat limbs, high-pitched musical voice, everything. It was very distracting.
I had better luck on the walking trails. Here is a flying squirrel. Shown not flying.
This was a mock cave which reminded me quite a bit of the old Injun Joe’s cave on Tom Sawyer’s Island in Disneyland.
Here we see a wallaby.
Here’s that stupid giraffe, hiding behind those trees and trying to blend in. I see you, asshole.
The moon was haunting, so I took several cheesy pictures for no particular reason.
The zoo has a cage where fruit bats fly around freely. I never really got the “fear” theme from Batman Begins, but being in that cage — even just with harmless fruit bats — was such an unnerving experience that I think I’m starting to get it. Bats are flying nightmares. Here’s a bat hanging from the top of the cage, silhouetted against the moon.
And here we have a porcupine. Obviously.
I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to take a photo of a leopard. This is what I got…
Wait, slow down.
Here he comes.
One more try.
Hey, could you slow down…
Goddamn it.
This one is just straight-up out of focus!
There. Best one I got. Enjoy.
See those tiny face looking up at me? Those are tiny otters. And there were, like, dozens of them. And they were all SCREAMING this HIGH-PITCHED SCREAM. They looked and sounded and acted exactly like Procompsognathids from Jurassic Park.I know better than to let my guard down around “compies” so I bolted for the exit.
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