
The name “David” means “beloved” in Hebrew.

David Lawrence Young Sr. begat David Lawrence Young Jr.
David Lawrence Young Jr. begat David Lawrence Young III.
David Lawrence Young III begat David Lawrence Young IV.

My father, David Lawrence Young III, passed away in his room at home on the evening of January 2, 2018.  He was 82.

It’s been over a hundred and ten years since there was only one David Lawrence Young in the world.  Ever since my grandfather was born, there have always been at least two and sometimes three of us alive at any given time.  My feelings toward my father have always been complicated, but it seems strange that this–being left with the name–is what seems to weigh on me the most.  Yet, I count myself lucky that his death occurred when I was already in the throes of a year-long existential crisis.  I’ve already been wrestling with matters of meaninglessness and purpose.  Of life and death.  Of change.

I am David Lawrence Young IV.  The last of my name.

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3 Responses to Last

  1. Holly says:

    David, I’m so sorry for your loss.

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