
I forget, is this how you frame giraffes?Or is this preferable?I enjoyed this Imagineer-worthy theming in Southeastern Asia area of the zoo.Goddamn langur monkeys.  Just as obnoxiously loud as they were at the San Diego Zoo!A meerkat.The apes were all kept inside for the day.  Truly, Gorillas in the “Missed”.  (Look, they can’t all be gems, people.)One of my favorite things about this particular zoo was the mix of zoo staples, like the elephants and giraffes and monkeys, and indigenous Australian species, like the koalas and Tasmanian devils and platypus and these (adorable) rock wallabies.

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2 Responses to Variegated

  1. Peter Miller says:

    In the second photo with the 3 elephants, if you blur your eyes a bit, the left elephant, it part because of the light tail forming a rim, and in part due to the dual colored patches implying concavity, looks like it is a statue of an elephant bisected in half horizontally with an empty interior bowl. I hope the elephant’s name is Dali or Bosch.

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