
It’s always a challenge to express to people back in the States what it’s like to live in a city of 24 million people.  Or what it’s like to live in a place where apartment buildings are skyscrapers.  But it’s also almost impossible to explain just how sprawling Shanghai is.

So, I used a website called MAPfrappe to draw a rough outline of the Shanghai city limits and then I overlayed that outline onto New York.NYLook at that.  It would devour Manhattan in its entirety, half of Long Island, and almost all of Westchester County.

Now check out Shanghai overlayed onto L.A.LAIt would stretch from mid-Valley in the West to almost out to the I-15 in the east, from Long Beach and Anaheim in the south to nearly Palmdale in the north.

Shanghai isn’t just 大, Shanghai is 非常大.

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3 Responses to Vast

  1. David (son) says:

    Wow And I thought Burbank was big

  2. Holly says:

    San Francisco inside Shanghai:

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