
My mantra for China has been “make new mistakes.”

Today, I tried cooking at my new place for the first time. Mushrooms, potatoes, and (expensive, because Asia) steak. Discovered — until my air shipment arrives Sunday — that I don’t have any pans or skillets.

Cooked in a pot. Close enough. Tasted good. Make new mistakes.

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4 Responses to Mistakes

  1. Mac T says:

    hey David! Abby sent out a link so I can see your China adventures.
    Happy new year!

  2. Jill says:

    I’m just de-lurking. Also, your dinner sounds pretty good to me!

    • d4vid says:

      It was definitely the biggest chunk of beef I’ve had since being here. And it was pretty good. Though I haven’t been minding the “meat as condiment” philosophy in Asia.

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